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More of London

First Museum and boat ride

semi-overcast 60 °F
View WWC 2019 on M6-Greg's travel map.

Off to the British Museum this morning, where we explore this very large museum independently rather than as a group, so we might have different experiences. It is really a huge place, and we are struck with the idea - is it really right that museums have artifacts from other cultures/countries ? (maybe they want them back? maybe they didn't take care of them themselves?...)


Afterwards, we headed out looking for Turkish food, but we seem to have trouble with the spotty service and just decided to find somewhere... Ended up at The Swan (pub that had add for the Women's World Cup)...


Decided to take the Bus down to the river to catch a boat ride on the Thames... Phil was playing the how-low-can-I-go with my Oyster card game when we saw a sign that the buses do not take cash - only the card. So Kate and him headed out walking to the park instead (turns out he had enough on his card, but he had already left)... The boat ride was very good - the "guide" (member of the crew) was quite humorous in pointing out many sites and musings about the cost of things in central London.


Back to the pub where they couldn't find the Women's game, so we all watched on my laptop....


Posted by M6-Greg 23:37 Archived in England

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